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The author and Holly, c. Easter (we hope) 2021.

Regular publication

Our current age of superabundance means endless content. I’ll gladly repackage and re-contextualize some of it for you. We know so many things, but we ought to know better things. I mostly write about beautiful objects (sometimes the people who make them), worthwhile leisure pursuits and meaningful discoveries. Natural subjects for me are things that interest me, yet somehow don’t have an article out there for someone to find. I hope these items interest you too. Results may vary.

On my biases

Substack suggests that to subscribe is to “[b]e part of a community of people who share your interests.” I’ve noticed that’s probably true. Admittedly, a lot of my content diet has a “hashtag menswear” bent to it - with all the good and bad that implies (but a lot of us were fed a routine diet of cigars, whiskey and suits maketh a man during our formative years). Disclaimers out of the way, I can say my output is a bit more diverse. You’ll find regular doses of design, aesthetic philosophy, natural history and other esoterica mixed in here. Here’s to celebrating what’s captivating and great about things that are seemingly overlooked. Here’s to knowing better.

Subscribe to Sublime Prosaic

A very pleasing development! Welcome to Los Angeles big dilettante thoughtways on aesthetic philosophy, style, leisure sport, intoxicating beverage, natural history and absurd heroics.


Entertainment lawyer based in Los Angeles; writing about the kinds of things I like to read about (anything that isn’t work).